Saturday, June 23, 2007

Cops and rubbers

People keeping telling me to live in the moment-

Fuck the moment- its tyrant landlord and it will have you evicted.

You will have a huge mortgage to pay

The biggest problem with living in the moment is, moments don’t last for long so you have to constantly move.

Motion sickness

I hold nothing against prostitutes, literally and figuratively

But Shihara had lost most of her charm along with her virginity.

If God was in the details then she was an atheist. She believed bigger and brighter is better. She look like a rainbow on marijuana.

On one particular night, as Shihara waited for her “consumers”, a police car stopped at her street. The law knew about Shihara, as a matter of fact the law knew Shihara rather well. On this particular night the law wanted to get to know Shihara better.

That is how Shihara got served without protection.

That is the reason Shihara had an abortion at age 18

That is the reason Shihara turned to religion.

Religion is how I met Shihara again.


Hopeless said...

see. without force, u do wonders. stop puttin deadlines for urslf. they dnt work.

Anonymous said...

"She look like a rainbow on marijuana." Ooo,i like! rather applicable to some people i know...

Fuck the moment-?! You of all people...

superpowerfulman said...

The views expressed on this lg are in no way representation of the man writing them and its writer is not liable for its contents.
