Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Mildly Articulate, Definitely Dyslexic

The following are a few words that should be in the in the dictionary of everyone who knows me. This is mostly because I am working very hard on entering these terms into the dictionary. So lets begin...

Festicle- A festival of testicle, also known as guys night out.

Coke Choke- When someone says something particularly funny while you have a form of liquid in your mouth that you end up sending up your nose.

Craptrap- Either constipation or those moments of anxiety (eg- a first date or public speaking) when you really want to take a dump but cant.

Sleeping like a baby on Rufi's- sleeping for over 12 hours.

Hip-notism/ crack addict- You know those times when there's a guy and the top of his crack is visible and no matter how hard you try your eyes keeping inadvertently fixated on it.

Severe Infatuation- When a person you barely know tells you that hey love you.

QualiTITy or quanTITu- the eternal question of small real breasts or big fake breasts.

Assterbation- the act of figuratively talking out of your ass or masturbating the ass.

Going down on a girl- The female equivalent of sucking up.

Natural selection- The name that is given to a relationship where the guy and girl are no more together but still naturally behave like a couple because they are too used to being one.

Contracting companies- the best friend of the high maintainance girl you are going out with. She will help you take care of the girl friend.

The 38th minute lull- The part of the conversation where you are running out of things to talk about and begin to speak non-sense.

Dick magnet- The female equivalent of a chick magnet

Hair-a-kiri- A person who looks like a hot girl from behind due their hair but turns out to be an ugly dude.