And there I sat, Hoping for some miracle, but nothing came- I had a better chance of turning water into wine than turning my whining into an idea.
But no ideas came to me- I wanted this girl but I had no idea how to get to her. I was losing my patience while thinking of ways to get this girl to loose her virginity.
Yes I am sure she is virgin, a pure untouched virgin. How could she not be, I mean *sigh* - OH SO BEAUTIFUL with an angelic ass.
We all have family and well when in trouble our families are supposed to help, isn’t that what families are for – I mean there has to be more to their function. So I went to my dad. You know, he was my dad and I would think that dads would have more to do than give sperm and shelter. I mean no disrespect to sperm or shelter but it isn’t very hard to do, is it- it’s not exactly rocket science- though similar physics maybe involved.
SO I headed home…
The television is something that everyone in our house knew a lot about. In our house the T.V was on 24/7. It was in front of this television that I found my dad; he was watching the tele-shopping network on which they were advertising a new miracle weight loss product, it guaranteed it would help you lose twenty pounds in a fortnight. My dad had bought a ton of similar products and I can guaranty that the only pound he lost with the help of these miracle machines was the currency.
I sat on the couch next to him; he was wearing nothing except what used to be white shorts. I stared into his face and I knew that this balding, half asleep, half awake man with chocolate on his nose was the wrong person to ask advice to about your love life; as a matter of fact he was the wrong person to ask advice about anything at all unless you wanted advice on what new miracle weight loss product is in the market and right now weight loss wasn’t exactly my first priority.
I decided the best way to get through this was through to do some more research on the girl- check out what she liked and disliked and than use it to my advantage-
So I headed to the computer- to facebook- click, click click
And what I saw then left me in shock and I am not talking about the electrocution kinda shock even though I had spilt the coke in my hand onto the keyboard.
What I read couldn’t be true- my angel
Its like that saying, you know- having your cake and eating it too, you cant do that- you know- how could this girl, this angel- have her cunt and eat it too.