Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Self-fish Inconsiderate prick

God gave man a penis and a brain but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run them both at the same time.

So what is a man to do?

A bodily conflict of interest- You see women need a reason to have sex, men just need a place and preferably a woman too.

Or like Jerry Seinfeld put it "Its like my brain is playing chess with my penis"

Problem is the penis almost always wins- cause unlike the brian it grows.

ofcourse we men aren't all perverts- according to a recent survey the first thing most men notice about a woman is their eyes and women say the first thing they notice about men is tht they are a bunch of liars.

So what to choose, who is right? who is wrong?- is there a right or wrong?

The penis or the brain
The penis or the brain
The penis or the brain

A classic cartoon theme song should give you adequete background informaton on the subject.

The penis and the brain
The penis and the brain
One is a genius
and the others insane.

One of the reasons men wear briefs is because it keeps their penis in a controled enviroment- A strait jacket.

The brain you see has too many things to do, the penis on the other hand is pretty much single minded in its quest. It see's its target and never looks down or backs out till the job is done the

Basicly its not women but men with the hour glass bodies- when the penis fills up the brain empties


ManicMane said...

The Head of the Pin, vs. the Prick of the Pin... being a woman, I can't evaluate the personal experience myself. I have observed that the Head does seem to lose to the Prick in a somewhat mismatched standoff - MOST of the time. We wait for those few males that can turn the tables for once. And boy what a long wait it is...

Azarakhsh said...

... and hence concluding that the penis does have a mind of its OWN. it still doesn't make it any greater than breasts. It bows down in retrospect at the sight of boobies- does it not?
who am i kidding... i've yet to comprehend the reason men are attracted to those udders that squeeze out human juice.

And the debate rolls on....

Anonymous said...

hahhahahaha!! that's flipping brill man!