Friday, November 13, 2009

The Last Will and Testament of Sufjan "Bad Boy" Gonsalves

I'm back Bitches

As the above mentioned line very subtly implies I'm back.
With a bit of a bang, not of the gang variety.

I'm right now in the process of making a movie. A Love Story of sorts.
This isn't that movie. This is me with a camera at 5 am.
Enjoy it
and please please let me know what you think.


Joey said...

I posted the video link on a couple of walls on bookface, and people seem to think its hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I inclination not acquiesce in on it. I think warm-hearted post. Expressly the title attracted me to be familiar with the unscathed story.

Anonymous said...

Well I assent to but I about the post should have more info then it has.